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June 23th, 1993
Beyond went to Fuji TV studio in Tokyo.
The filming of "Ucchan-nanchan no yarunara yaraneba" started.
"Ucchan-nanchan" is one of the famous Japanese comedian. It is composed of two comedians; Uchimura and Nanbara. They are still very popular in Japan.
June 24th, 1993
The accident occurred at 1:00 a.m.. Ka Kui and Uchimura fell down a set which height was 2.7m(8.9feet). This picture was took just before the accident. You can see Ka Kui, who ware raising his right hand.
According to the word of TV studio staff, they soon get felt kindred spirits. So Ka Kui and members came to think to work hard.
The accident occurred in that situation. Japanese papers said that because of the wetness of the set, Ka Kui and Uchimura slipped and fell.
This is a diagram of the set. Ka Kui and Uchimura were standing on (1). (2) is a plywood which was painted a background scenery. The above picture was took from (3).
A plywood was boarded easily. The moment of the accident, Ka Kui and Uchimura slipped and leaned the plywood, but it couldn';t support them.
Flooring on the studio is very solid. Ka Kui was hit his head and went into a coma, and was carried to a hospital.
I heard that there are some people who doubt the hospital was small and poor one, but it is NOT true. It was very good hospital and some famous people come to the hospital.
Only one evening edition of newspaper reported the news in Japan.
June 25th, 1993
Ka Kui';s family came to Japan. Also, the DJ of Commercial Radio(CR2), Mr. Guog Kai Wa, came to Japan. He heard the news from his friend who has a Japanese friend. Many presses wanted to came to Japan as soon as possible, but they couldn';t because of a typhoon and a visa. (Then, they could came on June 28th.)
The theatrical agency of BEYOND didn';t tell a lot about this news.
Under these circumstances, most of people who knows BEYOND believed that theatrical agency and TV station did a news censorship.
Of course they had denied this.
Most of Japanese newspaper reported this news, but the treatment was very little. Only gossip papers treated large, however, the story was about Uchimura, as if Ka Kui hadn';t be hurt at all.
On the other hand, in Hong Kong, all papers carried this news, and some treated this news as a top news.
Ironically, the Japanese version of ';Sea & Sky(Hoi fut tin hong)';, "A Dream Far Away(Haruka naru yume ni)" was released on the day. As you know, this is the one of the most famous and the best work throughout the Ka Kiu';s life. A lot of Japanese was moved by this song.
June 26th and 27th, 1993
On the night, Ka Kui felled into critical condition temporarily and was given a Chinese treatment like Chinese medicin.
In Hong Kong, the gathering for Ka Kui was held by CR2. On this gathering, Joey, the member of "Tai Chi", made the song "The Power of Love" for Ka Kui and sang with most of Hong Kong';s musicians and fans.
Hong Kong papers could report almost nothing because of few informations from Japan. Most of articles said only "Ka Kui is O.K. now."
Hong Kong papers reported the gathering and Ka Kui';s treatment. Also, most of papers said that the Japanese name of Ka Kui, "Koma", is unlucky because it has the same pronunciation with "coma."
June 28th and 29th, 1993
Fuji TV set up the hot line to Hong Kong.
On the day, press conference was held at Fuji TV. On the conference, Ka Keung said "I wish I were in his place," and broke into tears.
Hong Kong papers could still report almost nothing but about the press conference.
In Japan, there were some changes. Gossip papers started to report about Ka Kui more. It seemed that the statement of Ka Keung was very impressive. For example, Sports Nippon, one of the most famous gossip paper in Japan, reported as: "Ka Kui! I can only pray for you!"
It was an note-worthy event.
June 30th, 1993
It was cloud on the day, as if it predicted the sad event of the day.
The media reported as "There are nothing but pray," "His condition hangs in the balance," "We don';t think to stop broadcasting of ';Ucchan- nanchan no yarunara yaraneba'; -- Fuji TV," "Theatrical agency of BEYOND denied a news censorship" as ever.
Wong Ka Kui, the genius of rock';n';roll from Hong Kong, passed away in Tokyo at 4:15p.m.(JST) without coming to his senses. He was only 31 years old.
On the evening, Mr. Murakami Koichi, a director of Fuji TV, held a press conference. Following is the extracts from it;
"Mr. Wong Ka Kui, a member of Hong Kong';s rock band ';BEYOND';, who unfortunately fell down from a set during the filming of ';Ucchan-nanchan no yarunara yaraneba';, and has gone into the Tokyo joshi idai Hospital, died from several injury of the brain at 16:15 today, 30th of June.
"We do pray for the repose of Ka Kui';s soul. Also, we would like to offer our heartfelt condolences to Mr. Wong';s family. This bad news is very regrettable for families and all his fans who have supported him from all over the world and we do express our regret for the news. In future, we promise never to cause such accidents and we do our best for it.
*But in 1998, they made similar accident. The announcer of Fuji TV fell down from a building while the program was on the air. This time, fortunately, the announcer didn';t die because of a mat.
"His family and BEYOND were there when he was about to die.
"We think that it was an unforeseeable accident, but it is no doubtful that it happened in our studio. We are going to deal with the matter, include a compensation, wholeheartedly.
Mr. Murakami answered the question from the presses like following;
(Question) I heard that Uchimura and Nanbara went to the hospital to see Beyond members when they heard the news of Mr. Wong';s death. Is it true?
(Answer)Yes. Both of two went into his room with a shock. They offered their very heartfeltly condolences with hanging his head. BEYOND applicated to them to come first of all.
(Question: in Cantonese) Why didn';t you Fuji TV report the news to Hong Kong more quickly?
(Answer) There are two main reason: First, It was our first experience to deal the accident which was extended over two countries. Second, there are several problems about language. We apologize to Hong Kong';s people again about the matter.
(Question) We heard that you didn';t prefer a mat beside the set. Is it true? If yes, what do you think about this?
(Answer) We didn';t prefer a mat. We didn';t prefer it because we, as I said, didn';t foresee to happen such an accident.
(Question) Did you rehearse of the scene?
(Answer) Yes. It was done by assistance directors.
(Question) Will you suspend the program (Ucchan-nanchan no ....) for a while?
(Answer) The program will be suspended by chance because of the broadcasting of baseball game, soccer game, or so on. During the suspension, we will make the best decision.
Following is the comment from Uchimura and Nanbara;
We had been looking forward to co-staring with Beyond, the famous rock band from Hong Kong. But unfortunately, the accident was happened and resulted in such a sadness. We do regret the news because we also have prayed for his recovery.
We do pray for the repose of Mr. Wong Ka Kui';s soul.
Hearing the sad news, Uchimura ran to hospital with a shock. Then, he felt the blame and broke into tears. It is said that Beyond consoled him as "it was a sad accident, don';t cry."
On the evening, it began raining. The cold rain looked as if it mourn Ka Kui';s death.
July 1st, 1993
"Wong Ka Kui passed away." All of papers in Hong Kong reported the news as a top. Many condolence from the entertainment world of Hong Kong were reported. Some of them mentioned of the safety measures of Japanese TV programs. Most of TV and Radio broadcasted special programs and CR2 broadcasted a mourning program.
In Japan, gossip papers and gossip programs of TV reported the sad news. But most of them had very little understanding. Some mistaken the name of song, some didn';t understand what Beyond is.
In Southern Asian countries like Malaysia and Singapore, this news was reported very large.
July 2nd, 3rd, 1993
In Hong Kong, media had reported his death and broadcasted mourning programs. Also, many condolences had been sent from entertainment world.
On July 2nd, Ka Kui';s body and his family returned to Hong Kong by CX505* from Narita Airport (* CX ... Cathay Pacific Airline). A lot of fans waited for them at the airport.
Uchimura and Nanbara held a press conference and expressed their condolence. On the day, they had a radio program. They expressed their condolence again on the program.
On July 3rd, some newspapers carried the preliminary of funeral in Hong Kong. Fuji TV people came to Hong Kong and held a press conference with Beyond members.
On the night, Ka Kui';s body was carried to funeral parlors, HK Funeral Home.
July 4th, 5th, 1993
On July 4th, All-night wakes for Ka Kui was held.
CR2 held a mourning gathering at Ko Shan Theatre, and 2600 fans attended it.
On July 5th, his funeral was held. The traffic was congested by fans because a lot of fans attended it, and police began to control traffic. I heard that a tram was stopped by mad fan.
After the ceremony, Ka Kui';s body was laid to rest at Tseung Kwan O Chinese Permanent Cemetery.
Sad to say, few Japanese media reported the news. However, in Hong Kong, all of papers and TV and radio reported, even the South China Morning Post, a very famous English newspaper. These treated was exceptionally.
After July 5th, 1993
In Hong Kong, many media reported about Ka Kui still. However in Japan, articles was decreasing day by day. It was naturally. Beyond (include Ka Kui) is less famous than Ucchan-nanchan. Most of Japanese, except fans, was not interested in Beyond.
On July 9th, Beyond members came to Japan to attend the official mourning gathering in Japan. On July 11th, it was held at very famous On July 9th, Beyond members came to Japan to attend the official mourning gathering in Japan. On July 11th, it was held at very famous Japanese temple, Shibaura Zojoji temple and 700 fans attended it. On the day, a press conference was also held.
On the next day, most of Hong Kong';s paper reported the gathering.
After the gathering, the articles were decreasing day by day.
According the Oricon Chart (Japanese Hit Chart), sales of "A Dream Far Away" was 48th place on the chart at the best. It was because the song was used as the BGM on the report of Ka Kui';s accident in Japan. Also, the song was used the ending song of the one program on Japanese TV (Once, this program used the Cantonese version of the song).
BAKUFU-SLUMP, one of the famous Japanese rock band, made a tribute song for Ka Kui. The name of the song was "The Champion of Love(Ai no Champion)."
(BAKUFU-SLUMP is close Japanese friend of Beyond. They wrote a lyrics of Japanese version "Can I break through?" Also, Beyond sometimes appeared on the live concert of BAKUFU-SLUMP as a guest.) Following is an extra lyrics from "The Champion of Love."
The people who are born, The people who are living;
They all chase their dream and aim the goal beyond the sadness...
The people who goes away, The people who gets old;
But they all hold their passion in their heart....
Mr. Funky Sueyoshi, the leader and drummer of BAKUFU-SLUMP, is also a member of "Yaso-kai Band." (It is not famous, but good one.) Yasokai-Band sings Japanese version of AMANI! The lyrics was wrriten by him, and it is recorded on their first album. This is Mr. Funky';s Homepage. You can listen to AMANI on the page.
8 years is to pass after the Ka Kui';s death.
It is true that Ka Kui was dead but his spirits is immortal.
In Japan, Beyond fan is decreasing.
But there are still Beyond fans.
And I know some Japanese who came to know Beyond, who are impressed by Beyond.
How would Ka Kui feel to know these |